Ez ist site der nahtegal (Heinrich von Morungen) |
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z ist zite der nahtegal, swanne sì ir liep volendet, sô geswîget sie. dur daz volge aber ich der swal, diu durch lìebe noch dur leide ir singen nie verlie. Sît daz ich nu singen sol, sô mac ich von schulden sprechen wol: «ôwê, daz ich ie sô vil gebat und gevlêhte an eine stat, dâ ich genâden nienen sê.» |
| wîge ich unde singe niet, sô sprechent sî, daz mîn singen zæme baz. sprich aber ich end singe ein liet, sô muoz ich dulden beide ir spot und ouch ir haz. Wie sol man den nû geleben, die dem man mit schner rede vergeben? ôwê, daz in ie sô wol gelanc, und ich lie dur si mînen sanc! ich wil singen aber als ê. |
wê mîner besten zît und ôwê mîner liehten wunneclîchen tage! waz der an ir dienste lît! nu jâmert mich vil manger senelîcher klage, die si hât von mir vernomen und ir nie ze herzen kunde komen. ôwê, mîniu gar verlonen jâr! dìu rìuwent mich vür wâr. in verklage si niemer me. |
| r lachen und ir schne ansehen und ir gùot gebærde hânt betret lange mich. in kan anders niht verjehen swer mich rùomes zîhen wil, vür wâr, der sündet sich. Ich hân sorgen vil gepflegen und den vrouwen selten bî gelegen, ôwê, wan daz ich si gerne an sach und in ie daz beste sprach, mir enwart ir nie niht mê. |
z is niht, daz tiure sî, wan habe ez deste werder wàn den gretrìuwen man. der ist leider swære bî. er ist verlorn, swer nû niht wan mit triuwen kan. Des wart ich wol gewar, wan ich ir mit tríuwen ie dìente dar. ôwê. daz ich triuwen nie genôz! dès stê'n ich vröiden blôz. doch diene ich, swie ez ergê. |
| b ich si dûhte hulden wert, sôn möhte mir zer werlte lieber nith geschên. het ich an gòt sît genâ'den gert, sin könden nâch dem tôde niemer mich vergên. Herumbe ich niemer doch verzage. ir lop, ir êre unz an mîn ende ich singe und sage. waz, ob si sich bedenket baz? unde tæte si liebe daz, sô verbære ich al ôwê. |
English parallel translation by the composer H.W. Gade © 1989 |
It is the Habit of the Nightingale
I. | It is the habit of the nightingale; When it has fulfilled its romance, it turns silent. But I follow the swallow, Who through love or through pain never looses its song. As I am going to sing anyway I can rightfully speak of my duties: Alas, That I prayed so much, Aiming at a level, Where I would never find grace. |
II. | If I am silent and do not sing, Then they say that singing suits me better, But if I speak and sing a song, Then I must bear both their mockery and their hatred too, How can I learn to live with those, Who poison you with beautiful words? Alas, If they succeeded so well, That I gave up my singing! I will sing just as before. |
III. | Alas, my best time, And alas, my light joyful days! How many did I spent in her service, Now I grieve for the painful laments, She has heard from me, And yet never could they enter her heart. Alas, My throughout wasted years! They utterly distress me, I will lament them forever more. |
IV. | Her smile and her beautiful looks, And her good manners have obsessed me for long, I cannot tell you anything else about her, He who accuses me of boasting, He is committing a sin. I have suffered many worries, And seldom slept with ladies. Alas, Except for willingly looking at them, And speaking the best of them, Nothing did I gain. |
V. | All that is dear, Is held in high esteem but the faithful man. He is unfortunately close to pain, He is lost, if being faithful is all he can do, That was very clear to me, When I served her faithfully then, Alas, That my faithfulness was never rewarded. Therefore I stand deprived of my joy, Yet I serve her, however it goes. |
VI. | If she thought me worthy of her favour, Nothing would be more dear to me in the world, Had I asked God for his grace, It could never fail me after the death. Likewise I will never renounce (her), Her praise, her glory to my end I will celebrate In songs and recitation. What, If she thinks better? And if she, the dear one, did that, Then I would overcome all my alas. |
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Il brano in background è Ez ist site der nahtegal
di Heinrich von Morungen (1155-1222), seq. by H.W. Gade © 1989/90/91 (with special permission from author for my web).
L'immagine che introduce il brano musicale nelle pagine di Heinrich von Morungen è la cover del cd-rom edito dalla Nordisc e reperibile presso di essa.
This page was created by Duca Lucifero, © 2005
© H.W. Gade 1989/91 all rights reserved for: midi music and english translations
The gothiquesque set is made by Moyra,
The original gif of initcap is a revival design made by Adam Stein and based on Gothic characters, used by the Cheswick Press in England mid 19th Century. |
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