Frouwe, mîne swære sich (Heinrich von Morungen) |
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rouwe, mîne swære sich, ê ich verliese mînen lîp. Ein wort du spræche wider mich: verkêre daz, du sælic wîp! Du sprichest iemer neinâ neinâ nein, neinâ neinâ nein. Daz brichet mir mîn herze enzwein. Math dû doch eteswenne sprechen jâ, jâ jâ jâ jâ jâ jâ jâ? Daz lît mir an dem herzen nâ. |
English parallel translation by the composer H.W. Gade © 1989 |
Lady, look at my Pain
Lady, look at my pain, Before I loose my life, One word you spoke to me, Take it back you blessed woman, You always speak no, no, no, No, no, no That breaks my heart in two. Couldn't you just for once speak yes, Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes? That's what I have most at heart. |
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Il brano in background è proprio Frouwe, mîne swære sich
di Heinrich von Morungen (1155-1222), seq. by H.W. Gade © 1989/90/91 (with special permission from author for my web).
L'immagine che introduce il brano musicale nelle pagine di Heinrich von Morungen è la cover del cd-rom edito dalla Nordisc e reperibile presso di essa.
This page was created by Duca Lucifero, © 1999-2005
© H.W. Gade 1989/91 all rights reserved for: midi music and english translations
The gothiquesque set is made by Moyra,
The original gif of initcap is a revival design made by Adam Stein and based on Gothic characters, used by the Cheswick Press in England mid 19th Century. |
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