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Maxfield Parrish, The Lute Players - 40.973 bytes

Maxfield Parrish
The Lute Players

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  • divisioni in categorie, epoche e brani dello stesso compositore raggruppati in successione;
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    Per il salvataggio dei brani invece è sufficiente cliccare di destro sulla nota musicale di fianco alla descrizione del brano e scegliere salva oggetto.
    Tenere però presente che alcuni brani sono sotto copyright dei loro rispettivi sequencer e concessi in uso per il mio web, quindi prima di porli in altri web è indice di correttezza chiedere l'autorizzazione non a me, ma al loro creatore ed in ogni modo l'uso degli stessi in web a pagamento è uno sfruttamento del lavoro altrui per fini propri ed in tal caso sarebbe onesto, se il sequencer è d'accordo, riconoscergli una royalty.
    Il mio web è ad accesso totalmente gratuito e libero, nessuna delle sue parti è soggetta a pagamento, in nessuna misura, poiché credo fermamente nella libera circolazione delle idee e della creatività, pur nel rispetto del copyright, per questo motivo posso offrire una delle raccolte più belle del net, con brani anche particolarmente insoliti e poco diffusi.
    In conclusione prego di evitare l'uso di questi midifiles in web a contenuto pornografico o razzista, chi li ha creati ben difficilmente accetterebbe di vedere il proprio lavoro in siti che offendono il net con la loro stessa esistenza.
    Non mi riferisco ovviamente all'arte fantasy come contenuto pornografico, dato che solo le persone ottuse possono vedere nell'arte elementi di oscenità, ma ai siti ben noti e molto amati da persone che credono che il net sia solo perversione e sfogo di istinti deteriori.
    Questo sito rifiuta ora e sempre l'uso di pornografia e razzismo, se chi legge non è d'accordo può andarsene altrove, qui non è gradito! Solo le persone incolte, meschine e rozze possono trovar piacere nell'oscenità e nel disprezzo dell'uguaglianza degli esseri umani. Ognuno ha le sue idee, io rispetto le idee di tutti senza limitazioni di razza, colore della pelle, credenze religiose o politiche, amo il dialogo con tutti ma apprezzo che anche le mie idee siano rispettate pur non pretendendolo, la tolleranza reciproca è e deve essere il primo passo necessario per creare un nuovo mondo senza barriere, internet può essere uno straordinario veicolo per trasmettere queste aspettative, indipendentemente dal patetico scandalismo e sensazionalismo di cui si nutre soprattutto la stampa italiana che difficilmente capirà mai che in internet non vi sono solo maniaci e depravati, ma anche e soprattutto persone di vasta cultura e di elevati interessi.

    Nota: Internet Explorer 6 e la scomparsa di Crescendo e delle sue preziose dll hanno molto cambiato la situazione, cliccando sulle note non si apre più a colpo sicuro una seconda finestra col midi richiesto, ma si apre un frame a sinistra col lettore media player. Quindi per ascoltare il midi potete fare così, anche se è molto antiestetico, oppure ricorrere alle dukebox. Per salvare il midi invece, dato che ho tolto l'inutile blocco del click destro, potete fare - come ho detto prima - il salva oggetto.

    Click here for Dbox Early & Classic
    Medieval Songs
    Ja nuns hons pris di King Richard Iº Lionhearted (1157-1197), seq. Curtis Clark - [Time m. 0:55] Alleluya di Perotinus Magnus (c.1159-c.1205), seq. Curtis Clark - [Time m. 1:48]
    Le Jeu de Robin et Marion di Adam de la Halle (1237-1286), seq. Curtis Clark - [Time m. 0:15] Agnus Dei di Guillaume de Machaut (c. 1300-1377), seq. Curtis Clark - [Time m. 1:03]
    Ballata di Francesco Landini (1325-1397), seq. Curtis Clark - [Time m. 0:39] Corps Feminin di Anonymous, seq. (?) - [Time m. 4:46]
    Dans Royal n. 1 di Anonymous, seq. Curtis Clark - [Time m. 0:29] Dans Royal n. 2 di Anonymous, seq. Curtis Clark - [Time m. 0:43]
    Ductia di Anonymous, seq. Curtis Clark - [Time m. 0:23] Estampie di Anonymous, seq. Curtis Clark - [Time m. 1:11]
    Estampie del XIIIº secolo di Anonymous, seq. Curtis Clark - [Time m. 0:52] Estampie del XIVº secolo di Anonymous, seq. Curtis Clark - [Time m. 0:20]
    La Rotta di Anonymous, seq. Curtis Clark - [Time m. 0:29] Summer is icumen in, English Round di Anonymous, seq. Curtis Clark - [Time m. 0:48]
    Tempus Adest Floridum di Anonymous, middle age springtime carol, this became "Good King Wenceslas" - [Time m. 0:24]    

    (with special permission of composer H.W. Gade for Morungen midi files)
    Ez ist site der nahtegal (It is the habit of the Nightingale) di Heinrich von Morungen (1155-1222), seq. H.W. Gade - [Time m. 10:03] Ez tuot vil wê (It hurts so much) di Heinrich von Morungen (1155-1222), seq. H.W. Gade - [Time m. 4:31]
    Ich hôrte ûf der heide (I heard in the Meadows) di Heinrich von Morungen (1155-1222), seq. H.W. Gade - [Time m. 3:13] In sô hôher swebender wunne (In such high soaring Joy) di Heinrich von Morungen (1155-1222), seq. H.W. Gade - [Time m. 5:33]
    Mîn herze, ir schoene und diu minne (My Heart, her Beauty and the Love) di Heinrich von Morungen (1155-1222), seq. H.W. Gade - [Time m. 3:00] Ouverture di Heinrich von Morungen (1155-1222), seq. H.W. Gade - [Time m. 6:21]
    Owê, — sol aber mir iemer mê (Alas, will I ever again) di Heinrich von Morungen (1155-1222), seq. H.W. Gade - [Time m. 4:31] Uns ist zergângen der lieplîch summer (For us the lovely Summer has gone) di Heinrich von Morungen (1155-1222), seq. H.W. Gade - [Time m. 8:03]
    Von den elben (By the Elves) di Heinrich von Morungen (1155-1222), seq. H.W. Gade - [Time m. 6:30] Vrowe mîne swære sich (Lady, look at my pain) di Heinrich von Morungen (1155-1222), seq. H.W. Gade - [Time m. 3:00]
    Vrowe, wilt du mich genern (Lady, if you want to save me) di Heinrich von Morungen (1155-1222), seq. H.W. Gade - [Time m. 1:05] Wê, wie lange sol ich ringen (Alas, how long shall I fight) di Heinrich von Morungen (1155-1222), seq. H.W. Gade - [Time m. 3:57]
    Wie sol vröidelôser tage (How can joyless days) di Heinrich von Morungen (1155-1222), seq. H.W. Gade - [Time m. 4:14]    

    French Renaissance
    Absalon Fili Mi di Josquin des Prez (1440 ? - Conde'-sur-l'Escaut, 27 ago. 1521) - [Time m. 4:20] Petit Camusette di Josquin des Prez (1440 ? - Conde'-sur-l'Escaut, 27 ago. 1521), seq. Jeremy Bland - [Time m. 1:11]
    En l'ombre d'un buissonet di Josquin des Prez (1440 ? - Conde'-sur-l'Escaut, 27 ago. 1521), seq. Jeremy Bland - [Time m. 1:14] Faute d'argent di Josquin des Prez (1440 ? - Conde'-sur-l'Escaut, 27 ago. 1521), seq. Jeremy Bland - [Time m. 2:13]
    Mille Regrets de vous abandonner di Josquin des Prez (1440 ? - Conde'-sur-l'Escaut, 27 ago. 1521), seq. Jeremy Bland - [Time m. 1:35] En venant de Lyon di Jean Mouton, detto Jean de Holligue (Holligue, Pas-de-Calais, 1475 circa - Saint-Quentin, 30 ott. 1522), seq. Jeremy Bland - [Time m. 0:49]
    Petit Camusette di Antoine de Fevin (Arras ?, 1474 ? - Blois, gen. 1512), seq. Jeremy Bland - [Time m. 1:25] Trut avant il faut boire di Jean Richefort (1480 ? - 1548 ?), seq. Jeremy Bland - [Time m. 0:59]
    La, la, la je ne l'ose dire di Pierre Certon (1515 ? - Parigi, 22 feb. 1572), seq. Jeremy Bland - [Time m. 2:50] Je suis desheritee di Pierre Cadeac (1530 - 1556), seq. Jeremy Bland - [Time m. 1:02]
    Voici le vert et beau mai di Jacques Mauduit (1557 - 1627), seq. Jeremy Bland - [Time m. 0:54] Mort je appell de ta riguer di Francois Villon (1431 - 1463) - [Time m. 3:27]
    Allemande d'Amour di Adrian Denss (1545 ? - 1598 ?), seq. Stefan Fischer - [Time m. 3:10] Au Vert Bois Je M'en Irai di Clement Janequin (1475 - 1558) - [Time m. 1:52]
    Tristis est anima mea di Orlando di Lasso (1532 - 1594) - [Time m. 3:00]    

    English Renaissance & Elisabethian Age
    Ave Verum Corpus di William Byrd (1543-1623) - [Time m. 3:06] Fortune di William Byrd (1543 - 1623) - [Time m. 1:39]
    Galliard for 6 viols di William Byrd (1543 - 1623) - [Time m. 1:46] Pavane di William Byrd (1543 - 1623) - [Time m. 1:17]
    Followe the fairy sunne di Thomas Campion (1567 - 1620) - [Time m. 0:53] Followe Your Saint di Thomas Campion (1567 - 1620) - [Time m. 1:17]
    Pavane di Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625) - [Time m. 2:05] The Silver Swan di Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625) - [Time m. 0:51]

    Classic & Simphonic Music
    Suite da L'Orfeo di Claudio Monteverdi (1567 - 1643), seq. Michel J. Starke - [Time m. 5:12] Air from Suite in D di Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750), seq. Luis E. Juan - [Time m. 4:49]
    The Arrival of Queen Sheba di Georg Frederic Haendel (1685 - 1759) - [Time m. 3:12] Courante per Liuto Barocco di Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1686-1750) - [Time m. 2:25]
    Giga per Liuto Barocco di Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1686 - 1750) - [Time m. 4:44] Prélude pour l'Amour di Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687), seq. Julio Feliz - [Time m. 0:59]
    Pavane di Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924) - [Time m. 5:13] Quell'uom dal fiero aspetto, Aria dal Frà Diavolo di Daniel François Auber (1782 - 1871) - [Time m. 1:16]

    Click here for dbox Folk & Celtic
    Folk & Celtic Songs
    Adieu Dundee, Scottish Jacobite Ballade for the death of John Graham, Count of Claverhouse, Visconte di Dundee, killed 27th July 1689 at Killiecrankie, seq. Leslie Nelson - [Time m. 1:08] After the Battle of Aughrim, Irish Traditional Music Tune, seq. Harold Doolan - [Time m. 1:46]
    Annie Laurie, Scottish Ballade, popular with British troops during the Crimean War, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 2:13] Barbara Allen, Scotland and England both claim it, known also in U.S.A., Samuel Pepys refers to the "little Scottish tune" in his Diaries in 1666, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 2:26]
    Brian Boru's March, Irish Song, in commemoration of the Battle of Clontarf which occured in 1014 and in which the Irish repelled the Vikings and in so doing lost their gallant leader Brian Boru, seq. Harold Doolan - [Time m. 1:56] Carolan's Draught, Traditional Irish, Song of irish harper Turlough O'Carolan (Toirdhealbhach Ó Cearbhalláin) was born in 1670 near Nobber, County Meath and died March 25, 1738, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 1:10]
    Country Gardens, Traditional British Tune, seq. John Renfro Davis - [Time m. 1:17] Eamonn an Chniuic, (Eamonn of the Hill), Traditional Irish Ballad, seq. John Renfro Davis - [Time m. 1:48]
    Early One Morning, Traditional English Tune, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 1:49] Fennario, Traditional Scottish Song, seq. John Renfro Davis - [Time m. 1:30]
    The Four Marys, (o Flowers of Edinburgh), Traditional Scottish Song, Mary Hamilton was supposedly one of the "four Marys"who were ladies-in-waiting to the "fifth Mary", Mary, Queen of Scots. However, the name of Mary Hamilton does not appear in any official records of the time. The Marys that attended the Queen in France were Seaton, Beaton and Livingston, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 1:51] Garry Owen, American Tune, Garry Owen was the unofficial marching song of the Seventh Cavalry. Gen. Custer reportedly heard the song among his Irish troop and liked it. The tune was then played so often the 7th became tied to it, seq. John Renfro Davis - [Time m. 0:58]
    Greensleeves, Traditional English Song, legend has it that Henry VIIIº wrote it for Anne Boleyn during their courtship (circa 1530). There is an entry in the Stationers' Register in 1580 licensing Richard Jones to print A new Northern Dittye of the Lady Green-Sleeves. The earliest lyrics that survive are in A Handful of Pleasant Delights (1584). The tune first appears was in 1652, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 1:52] Johnny, I hardly knew ye, Original Irish Song, became song of american civil war. The original words of the Irish folk song are not the joyous and triumphant lyrics of the Civil War tune but a lament on the horrors of any war, seq. Brian Hicks - [Time m. 4:16]
    King of the Fairies, Traditional Irish Song, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 2:11] Londonderry Air, Traditional Irish Song. Also known as Danny Boy, this song was ideed written by an englishman around the turn of the 20th century using an old Irish aire. It was popularized in vaudeville by the Irish Americans and soon became a St. Patrick's Day favorite, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 2:36]
    Mairi Bhan Og, (Fair Young Mary). The melody is from Songs of the Gael, the words are a tanslation by Lachlan MacBean. The tune is said to have been written by the Gaelic Bard Donnchadh Bàn Mac an t-Saor who was from Argyll, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 2:13] Men of Harlech, Unofficial Anthem in Wales. In the year 1283 King Edward I ordered a mighty castle to be built at Harlech on the coast of Merionethshire in north Wales and this castle was endured in a further long siege in the first part of the Civil War. It finally surrendered to Oliver Cromwell's forces in 1647 - [Time m. 1:12]
    Mist Covered Mountains, Scottish Ballade. The words were written by John Cameron, Ballachulish in 1856. The tune was first known as Duil ri Baile Chaolais fhaicinn (Hoping to see Ballachulish). The original tune was based on Johnny stays long at the Fair, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 1:28] Niel Gow's Lament for the death of his brother Donald, Traditional Scottish Tune, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 2:12]
    Scarborough Fair, an old English Riddle Song, of which there are countless variations, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 2:29] The Battle of Harlaw, Traditional Scottish Song. In the complaint of Scotland (1549) "The Battle of Hayrlau" is noted as being a popular song. Child notes, however, that the original ballad has been lost and the most widely known poem of the battle was printed by Ramsay in 1724. The tune is in Wm. Mure of Rowallan's Lute Manuscript (c 1612-28). seq. John Renfro Davis - [Time m. 1:13]
    The Boar and the Fox, Traditiona Scottish Song. This unusual and macabre song was found in James Hogg's "Tales of the Borders". We don't know its origins or date but it may be an allegory based on a political murder in Scottish history. The melody is a pipe tune called Sleep Dearie Sleep, seq. John Renfro Davis - [Time m. 1:10] The Dark Isle, Scottish Traditional Tune, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 3:14]
    The Dear Green Place, Scottish Tune on city of Glasgow, historically known as "The Dear Green Place", the largest city in Scotland, seq. John Renfro Davis - [Time m. 2:46] The Foggy Dew, Traditional Irish Rebellion Song. These lyrics deal with the Irish Easter Uprising of 1916. It is an appeal for Irishmen to fight for their freedom rather than fight for the English in foreign wars - [Time m. 1:55]
    The Lakes of Pontchartrain, Traditional Usa Song. There is another version (a variant) of the tune Lily of the West. Ponchartrain Lakes are five miles north of New Orleans, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 2:32] The Miller of Dee, Traditional English Tune, first appeared in print in the opera Love in a Village, 1702, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 2:51]
    The Three Ravens, Traditional British Song, this ballad dates back to 1611 where it appears in Melismata. Musicall Phansies Fitting the Court, Cittie, and Countrey Humours by T. Ravenscroft. It is also known as The Twa Corbies, seq. Curtis Clark - [Time m. 0:59] The Yew Tree, Scottish Song, speaks of the turbulent history of Scotland where there is a yew tree that stands as the lone surviving witness to two-thousand years of that history - [Time m. 3:07]
    Un Canadien Errant, Traditional Canadian Song, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 2:26] V'la le bon vent, Traditional Canadian Song, seq. Barry Taylor - [Time m. 1:28]

    Enya Celtic Songs
    Afer Ventus from Shepherd Moons, seq. David Fuess - [Time m. 2:58] Book of days from Shepherd Moons, seq. Neil Burton - [Time m. 2:16]
    Evacuee from Shepherd Moons, seq. David Fuess - [Time m. 2:17] Lothlorien from Shepherd Moons, seq. Jeremy Ho and RRR Phang - [Time m. 2:27]
    Shepherd Moons from Shepherd Moons - [Time m. 2:34] Bard's Dance from The Celts - [Time m. 1:22]
    Boadicea, from The Celts, seq. Jeremy Ho - [Time m. 3:43] Fairy tale II from The Celts, seq. Jim Hendrick - [Time m. 3:45]
    Cursum Perficio from Watermark, seq. Rex Hermogino - [Time m. 3:46] Evening Falls from Watermark, seq. Johannes Karhula - [Time m. 2:19]
    Exile from Watermark, seq. Johannes Karhula - [Time m. 2:57] The Long Ship from Watermark - [Time m. 2:24]
    Watermark from Watermark - [Time m. 1:59] China's Roses from The Memories of Trees - [Time m. 3:09]
    On my way home from The Memories of Trees, seq. Howard Farrar - [Time m. 5:04] Pax Deorum from The Memories of Trees - [Time m. 3:09]
    The Memories of Trees from The Memories of Trees, seq. Jeremy Ho - [Time m. 4:14]

    Click here for dbox New Age & Ambient
    New Age & Ambient
    Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield & Tubular Bells - [Time m. 25:31] Arpegiator by Jean Michael Jarre - [Time m. 3:10]
    Chronologie III part 2 by Jean Michael Jarre - [Time m. 2:40] Chronologie IV by Jean Michael Jarre - [Time m. 4:00]
    Chronologie V by Jean Michael Jarre - [Time m. 2:50] Souvenir de Chine by Jean Michael Jarre - [Time m. 3:42]
    One man's dream di Yanni - [Time m. 3:19] Secret Vows by Yanni, seq. Gary Sanders - [Time m. 4:41]
    Light of the Spirit by Kitaro - [Time m. 5:54] Matsuri by Kitaro - [Time m. 4:55]
    Asiren, unknown author, seq. John J. Holden - [Time m. 4:35] Paradise, unknown author, seq. John J. Holden - [Time m. 2:41]
    Final Fantasy III Overworld Theme, unknown author - [Time m. 3:42] Symphony by Creative (c) 1994 - [Time m. 2:11]
    Singing, unknown author - [Time m. 1:10] Song, variant of Singing, unknown author - [Time m. 1:29]
    Trek, unknown author - [Time m. 2:43]
    Tom Kristoffersen' Songs
    (with special permission of author for my web)
    Brother and Sister, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 3:29] Christmas Time, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 3:25]
    Crazy Day, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 3:06] Crusader, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 5:41]
    Dancing Shadows, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 3:28] Fear of the Dark, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 5:44]
    Flying, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 4:10] Love Dream, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 2:27]
    No Future, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 3:45] Nothing to lose, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 5:48]
    Rainbow, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 2:13] Red Sea, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 4:28]
    Robots Dream, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 3:46] Suicide, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 7:01]
    Summertime, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 5:34] Survivor, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 5:26]
    The Last Night, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 3:18] Travel, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 2:55]
    Triology, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 3:00] Walking, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 3:40]
    Winter Time, by Tom Kristoffersen (author & sequencer) - [Time m. 3:11]

    Click here for dbox Movie, Rock Melodic, Tv Themes and All the Rest
    Main Theme and Songs from Movies
    A League of Their Own (Ragazze Vincenti), This used to be my playground by Madonna - [Time m. 5:55] Breakfast from Tiffany (Colazione da Tiffany), Moon River - [Time m. 2:52]
    Brian of Nazareth, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life by Monty Phyton - [Time m. 3:33] Dune (id.)Main Theme - [Time m. 1:11]
    Exodus (id.), Main Theme - [Time m. 2:13] Ghost (id.), Main Theme - [Time m. 3:05]
    Highlander (id.),Who want live forever - [Time m. 5:00] Leon, Main Theme - [Time m. 4:39]
    Schindler's List (La Lista di Schindler), Main Theme - [Time m. 1:46] Somewhere in Time (Ovunque nel Tempo), Main Theme - [Time m. 3,41]
    The Blues Brothers (id.), Everybody needs somebody to love dei Blues Brothers - [Time m. 3:09] The Sting (La Stangata), Main Theme, (The Entertainer by Scott Joplin) - [Time m. 3:37]
    The Third Man (Il Terzo Uomo), Harry Lime Theme - [Time m. 3:07] Titanic (id.), My Heart will go on by Celine Dion - [Time m. 4:22]
    International and Italian Songs
    Alice di Francesco De Gregori - [Time m. 3:44] Attenti_al_lupo di Lucio Dalla - [Time m. 4:12]
    I Giardini di Marzo di Lucio Battisti - [Time m. 6:02] Because the night by 10.000 Maniacs - [Time m. 3:28]
    Unknown Title by Ace of Base - [Time m. 3:32] What a wonderful world di Louis Armstrong - [Time m. 2:18]
    Gloria di Lora Branigan - [Time m. 4:10] Self Control di Lora Branigan - [Time m. 3:48]
    Wuthering Heigths by Kate Bush, seq. Kent Annas - [Time m. 3:45] Blowing in the wind by Bob Dylan - [Time m. 2:53]
    Knocking on the Heaven Door di Bob Dylan - [Time m. 5:34] Man in the Long Black Coat di Bob Dylan - [Time m. 2:56]
    C'est la vie! by Emerson, Lake & Palmer - [Time m. 4:04] Karn Evil 3rd Movement by Emerson, Lake & Palmer - [Time m. 9:00]
    Mea Culpa degli Enigma - [Time m. 3:52] Sadness degli Enigma - [Time m. 4:28]
    Killing me softly with a song di Roberta Flack - [Time m. 4:18] Bouree by Jethro Tull - [Time m. 3:50]
    Maple Leaf Rag di Scott Joplin - [Time m. 3:18] So far away di Carole King - [Time m. 3:02]
    Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin - [Time m. 8:41] Another Brick in the Wall dei Pink Floyd - [Time m. 3:38]
    A Salty Dog dei Procol Harum - [Time m. 4:18] A Whiter Shade of Pale dei Procol Harum - [Time m. 4:54]
    Road to Hell di Chris Rea - [Time m. 4:09] Perfect Day di Lou Reed - [Time m. 3:30]
    It's my life by S.P.E. 92 - [Time m. 4:01] Against the Wind di Bob Segar - [Time m. 4:24]
    Fragile di Sting - [Time m. 3:53] Russians di Sting - [Time m. 5:20]
    The Fool on the Hill by The Beatles - [Time m. 2:13] The Long and Winding Road by The Beatles - [Time m. 3:00]
    La Bamba, trad. messicano, lanciato da Ritchie Valens (anni 60) e recentemente riproposto dai Los Lobos (anni 90) - [Time m. 2:16] Sir Duke di Stevie Wonder - [Time m. 3:56]
    Tv Themes and the rest
    A-Team - [Time 0:52] Benny Hill - [Time 1:58]
    Bonanza - [Time 0:36] Buffy the Vampire Slayer - [Time 0:48]
    E.R. - Medici in Prima Linea - [Time 1:01] Friends - [Time 0:54]
    Happy Days - [Time 1:27] Hitchcock TV Theme - [Time 3:54]
    Jingle della Coca Cola - [Time m. 0:25] La Famiglia Addams - [Time 0:45]
    Looney Tunes - [Time 0:20] MillenniuM - [Time 0:42]
    Perry Mason - [Time 1:09] Spazio 1999 - [Time 1:41]
    The Twilight Zone, (Ai confini della realtà) - [Time 0:43] Theme from Monty Python Flying Circus - [Time m. 2:03]
    Twin Peaks, (I Segreti di Twin Peaks) - [Time 4,57] X- Files (la sigla tradizionale) [Time 0,46]
    X- Files Trance (una versione molto più ampia) - [Time 5,21]


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    bottoncino This page was created by Duca Lucifero, © 1996-2005.
    The wonderful music set is made by Moyra!
    For Heinrich von Morungen midi files thanks to composer H.W. Gade.
    For the medieval midi thanks to Curtis Clark and his Internet Renaissance Band.
    For the best folksongs thanks to Barry Taylor, the great canadian sequencer.
    For the wonderful electronic songs thanks to Tom Kristoffersen,
    a very fine norvegian composer.
    For the magic world of Enya Music thanks to the dead site E.M.A.,
    the best collection of Enya midifiles in the net.
    For the others midifiles thanks to theirs sequencers and composers...

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